June 09, 2009

sume orang pakai nametag pegi sekolah

saye di tag okeh.oleh itu saye mahu memanfaatkan jase baek pen'tag' saye agar dia berase tidak sia-sia men'tag' saye.actually soalan dibawah ade gak aku tukar2 nombor siket,sebab yang real punye ade yang banyak kene,ade yang langsung xkene.so,kite mesti fair and square..hihihi

tukang tag saye = dell

2 nawai
9.kak bell
12.kak ain

how do you meet 1?
kostaq,imtiaz=asek same dorm..kmj=same blok..aish,asek same je ni

what would you do if u and 15 had never meet?

mesej die..dulu selalula..sekarang da lame xmesej kan aneh

what would you do if 20 and 1 dated?
ngee~~mungkin tidak..mereke budak baek okeh

have u seen 17 cried?
hehe..mestila ade..budak kcik katekan..;D

would 4 and 16 make a good couple?
hihi..xkanla epa ngan adek aku..lawak2

do you think 12 is attractive?
huhu..kak ain maken besar maken gojes..wiee

what's 2 favourite colour?
itam kot..asek pakai bju itam je..kan3

when was the last time you talked to 10?
umm..bile ye..baru smlam chat ngan beliau

what language does 8 speak ?
bahasa rojak..haha

who is 14 going out with?
sapekah su..pastilah dengan kawan2 baek beliau..kan

have you ever date 17 ?
banyak kali..diekan member gadoh aku..-die pompuan okeh-

where does 18 live?
perak..kejo yeop kejo

what is the best thing about 4?
poyo dan agak perasan

what would you like to tell 10 right now ?
sile bodek ayah anda bagi aku jadik student UPM..plese2..hik3

what is the best thing about 20?
baek kot..bakal ustaz rite

have you ever kiss 13?
hik3..penahla..kami sibling yg baek

what is the best memory you have of 5?

member maya yang best..ym selalu,bebalas post..peace dell~

when's the next time you're going to see 4?

ade ni ha kat umah

how is 7 different from 6?
nedd pandai omputeh..coqah pandai arab..lalalaa~;D

is 2 pretty?

piker 2 kali..hahahah..beliau baka ibu,so cantekla kot..walaupon tembam banyak..;D

what was your 1st impression of 15?
kecoh lagi kepoh! ;D

how did you meet 3?
abang aku kot
..lepas laher terus jumpela

is 2 until 21 is your best friend?

do you love 1?
ye..kawanku dari sekolah sampaila time menganggur ni.dunia akhirat insyaAllah

have you seen 18 in the last month?
x..kat grup dengan ym je..hihi

when was the last time you saw 16?
18 mei 2009..lepas test medsi..pateng,bile nk jumpe agi?

have you been to 5's house?
tidaks..tapi beliau ajak saye kua,dan saye slalu menolak..huhu

when's the next time you'll see 10?
alam maya je..mane ade face to face

are you close to 11?
err..asek gadoh je kot

have you been to the movies with 4?
tgok movie kat umah dengan die selalula..kalau cinema,sekali jekot ngn die

have you gotten in trouble with 8?

haha..mestila ade..kan tiq..bile kite nak gadoh lagi??

would you give 19 a hug?
boleh3..mai bangi dulu..kih3

when have you lied to 3?
selalu gak..tipu demi keselamatan..wikit wikit ;D

is 11 good at socializing?
haah..amat bagus dalam mencarik pasal ;D

what's the best thing about your friendship with 9?

mase f2 sedorm ngn die..die senior yg cool lg best -saye bodek ni,sile belanje-

has 13 meet your parents?
adek aku kot..mestila hari-hari sebab beliau xpenah bedikari duk hostel..ngee~

did you ever accidentally physically hurt 3?
haha..banyak kali..padan muke!

do you live close to 14?

xkot..su,kamu di johor kan?

what is 16 favourite food?
nasik lemak ayam cafe C..hiihi

what kind of car does 21 have?
cebah..beliau xbagitau pown..nanti aku chat tanye beliau

have you traveled anywhere with 12?
xdekot..die jiran nenek aku.selalu maen same2 mase kecik2

if you give 1 a RM100, What would he spend it on?
die belanje mak die baju kurung..anak solehah katekan..wink2

maaf kepade sape-sape yang terase.rasenye xdela teruk pon kan jawapan aku nih..hihi..sape nak buat,buatla ye..papai~


..SuRaYa.. said...


who is 14 going out with?
sapekah su..pastilah dengan kawan2 baek beliau..kan

~betul2..tk lame lg dgn mu lak eh jiha..Insyaallah..

do you live close to 14?
xkot..su,kamu di johor kan?
~dlu close kat KMJ..tp tk jmpe..Insyaallah..klu ku msk UKM,closed tk jiha??..huhu..

Liyana Zakaria said...

"would you give 19 a hug?
boleh3..mai bangi dulu..kih3"

ntah zaman bler bru dpt g bangi tuh..~


do you think i'm attractive ? hakahakahakaha..it's a killer question.. but, why you refer to kak ain ? next time, don't make a mistake again...BEWARE about it !! kekekekeke...

next question, are you close to 11?
ehem..ehem... we always quarrel each others...like this phrase, "teman tapi tak mesra".. hakahakahakahakaha..

then, is 11 good at socializing?
amat bagus dlm mencarik pasal ? atau ko yg cari pasal dengan sengaja bubuh nama aku kat no 11 ? hahahahahakahakha...

that all...i will tag you too in my blog...wait and see...kekekeke..


patenjihah said...

suraya: yup,masokla ukm..takot aku tcampak kat negeri laen xleh jumpe ko pulak..hahaha

liyana: maila kite wt reunion yg tegendale dari taun lepas...mesti havoc..yeay

man: panjang ke hujung dunie komen..yela tu ko nak wat gak..dahla pemalas update blog..ckp banyak kunun..cis3

nedd said...

saya tak mau buat lah...dah tataw nak tag sapa! huahahaha~

nedd said...

how is 7 different from 6?
nedd pandai omputeh..coqah pandai arab..lalalaa~;D

aku gigit kang anak dara sorang nih!

Liyana Zakaria said...

nedd : xyah r buat..
jiha : jom! tp bkn skrg.. ;-p

patenjihah said...

nedd: jgn gigit aku.nanti gigi patah xde sape bekenan..hik3

yana: orait!

.::annemishi::. said...

aar... dh lama...
ku pon dah tukaq no kot..
x pakai dah maxis..
sim ilang..T.T
no dh aar cantek..

pkai no nih skang.. salin2..


*ska ati jaa tyang kt sni.. huhu..

patenjihah said...

cobaan berani nih
lepas ni mesti byk miskol gatal nak ngorat masok..

.::annemishi::. said...

xda pya... ;)

Liyana Zakaria said...

anneh tyg no hp tuh..

leh sebar nih~ huhu!
gurau jerkk.. ;-p

patenjihah said...

anneh+yana: hahaha ;)

panda putih said...

jiha 2 la..aq ajak kua ko xnk..
asyek segan jep...
pth hati aq..hancosss~~

p/s: aq best ke?? aiseh malu la plk~

patenjihah said...


nawez said...

malas nak wat tag. keh2

June 09, 2009

sume orang pakai nametag pegi sekolah

saye di tag okeh.oleh itu saye mahu memanfaatkan jase baek pen'tag' saye agar dia berase tidak sia-sia men'tag' saye.actually soalan dibawah ade gak aku tukar2 nombor siket,sebab yang real punye ade yang banyak kene,ade yang langsung xkene.so,kite mesti fair and square..hihihi

tukang tag saye = dell

2 nawai
9.kak bell
12.kak ain

how do you meet 1?
kostaq,imtiaz=asek same dorm..kmj=same blok..aish,asek same je ni

what would you do if u and 15 had never meet?

mesej die..dulu selalula..sekarang da lame xmesej kan aneh

what would you do if 20 and 1 dated?
ngee~~mungkin tidak..mereke budak baek okeh

have u seen 17 cried?
hehe..mestila ade..budak kcik katekan..;D

would 4 and 16 make a good couple?
hihi..xkanla epa ngan adek aku..lawak2

do you think 12 is attractive?
huhu..kak ain maken besar maken gojes..wiee

what's 2 favourite colour?
itam kot..asek pakai bju itam je..kan3

when was the last time you talked to 10?
umm..bile ye..baru smlam chat ngan beliau

what language does 8 speak ?
bahasa rojak..haha

who is 14 going out with?
sapekah su..pastilah dengan kawan2 baek beliau..kan

have you ever date 17 ?
banyak kali..diekan member gadoh aku..-die pompuan okeh-

where does 18 live?
perak..kejo yeop kejo

what is the best thing about 4?
poyo dan agak perasan

what would you like to tell 10 right now ?
sile bodek ayah anda bagi aku jadik student UPM..plese2..hik3

what is the best thing about 20?
baek kot..bakal ustaz rite

have you ever kiss 13?
hik3..penahla..kami sibling yg baek

what is the best memory you have of 5?

member maya yang best..ym selalu,bebalas post..peace dell~

when's the next time you're going to see 4?

ade ni ha kat umah

how is 7 different from 6?
nedd pandai omputeh..coqah pandai arab..lalalaa~;D

is 2 pretty?

piker 2 kali..hahahah..beliau baka ibu,so cantekla kot..walaupon tembam banyak..;D

what was your 1st impression of 15?
kecoh lagi kepoh! ;D

how did you meet 3?
abang aku kot
..lepas laher terus jumpela

is 2 until 21 is your best friend?

do you love 1?
ye..kawanku dari sekolah sampaila time menganggur ni.dunia akhirat insyaAllah

have you seen 18 in the last month?
x..kat grup dengan ym je..hihi

when was the last time you saw 16?
18 mei 2009..lepas test medsi..pateng,bile nk jumpe agi?

have you been to 5's house?
tidaks..tapi beliau ajak saye kua,dan saye slalu menolak..huhu

when's the next time you'll see 10?
alam maya je..mane ade face to face

are you close to 11?
err..asek gadoh je kot

have you been to the movies with 4?
tgok movie kat umah dengan die selalula..kalau cinema,sekali jekot ngn die

have you gotten in trouble with 8?

haha..mestila ade..kan tiq..bile kite nak gadoh lagi??

would you give 19 a hug?
boleh3..mai bangi dulu..kih3

when have you lied to 3?
selalu gak..tipu demi keselamatan..wikit wikit ;D

is 11 good at socializing?
haah..amat bagus dalam mencarik pasal ;D

what's the best thing about your friendship with 9?

mase f2 sedorm ngn die..die senior yg cool lg best -saye bodek ni,sile belanje-

has 13 meet your parents?
adek aku kot..mestila hari-hari sebab beliau xpenah bedikari duk hostel..ngee~

did you ever accidentally physically hurt 3?
haha..banyak kali..padan muke!

do you live close to 14?

xkot..su,kamu di johor kan?

what is 16 favourite food?
nasik lemak ayam cafe C..hiihi

what kind of car does 21 have?
cebah..beliau xbagitau pown..nanti aku chat tanye beliau

have you traveled anywhere with 12?
xdekot..die jiran nenek aku.selalu maen same2 mase kecik2

if you give 1 a RM100, What would he spend it on?
die belanje mak die baju kurung..anak solehah katekan..wink2

maaf kepade sape-sape yang terase.rasenye xdela teruk pon kan jawapan aku nih..hihi..sape nak buat,buatla ye..papai~


..SuRaYa.. said...


who is 14 going out with?
sapekah su..pastilah dengan kawan2 baek beliau..kan

~betul2..tk lame lg dgn mu lak eh jiha..Insyaallah..

do you live close to 14?
xkot..su,kamu di johor kan?
~dlu close kat KMJ..tp tk jmpe..Insyaallah..klu ku msk UKM,closed tk jiha??..huhu..

Liyana Zakaria said...

"would you give 19 a hug?
boleh3..mai bangi dulu..kih3"

ntah zaman bler bru dpt g bangi tuh..~


do you think i'm attractive ? hakahakahakaha..it's a killer question.. but, why you refer to kak ain ? next time, don't make a mistake again...BEWARE about it !! kekekekeke...

next question, are you close to 11?
ehem..ehem... we always quarrel each others...like this phrase, "teman tapi tak mesra".. hakahakahakahakaha..

then, is 11 good at socializing?
amat bagus dlm mencarik pasal ? atau ko yg cari pasal dengan sengaja bubuh nama aku kat no 11 ? hahahahahakahakha...

that all...i will tag you too in my blog...wait and see...kekekeke..


patenjihah said...

suraya: yup,masokla ukm..takot aku tcampak kat negeri laen xleh jumpe ko pulak..hahaha

liyana: maila kite wt reunion yg tegendale dari taun lepas...mesti havoc..yeay

man: panjang ke hujung dunie komen..yela tu ko nak wat gak..dahla pemalas update blog..ckp banyak kunun..cis3

nedd said...

saya tak mau buat lah...dah tataw nak tag sapa! huahahaha~

nedd said...

how is 7 different from 6?
nedd pandai omputeh..coqah pandai arab..lalalaa~;D

aku gigit kang anak dara sorang nih!

Liyana Zakaria said...

nedd : xyah r buat..
jiha : jom! tp bkn skrg.. ;-p

patenjihah said...

nedd: jgn gigit aku.nanti gigi patah xde sape bekenan..hik3

yana: orait!

.::annemishi::. said...

aar... dh lama...
ku pon dah tukaq no kot..
x pakai dah maxis..
sim ilang..T.T
no dh aar cantek..

pkai no nih skang.. salin2..


*ska ati jaa tyang kt sni.. huhu..

patenjihah said...

cobaan berani nih
lepas ni mesti byk miskol gatal nak ngorat masok..

.::annemishi::. said...

xda pya... ;)

Liyana Zakaria said...

anneh tyg no hp tuh..

leh sebar nih~ huhu!
gurau jerkk.. ;-p

patenjihah said...

anneh+yana: hahaha ;)

panda putih said...

jiha 2 la..aq ajak kua ko xnk..
asyek segan jep...
pth hati aq..hancosss~~

p/s: aq best ke?? aiseh malu la plk~

patenjihah said...


nawez said...

malas nak wat tag. keh2